Hidden Fact , in Love Phobia?



According to Scott Dehorty, Executive Director at Maryland House Detox, Delphi Behavioral Health Group, Philophobia is a unique type of fear. At first glance, people who suffer from philophobia do not experience fear every day. However, for some people, this type of fear can occur over and over again, preventing a person from living a normal life. Fear of falling in love is not natural.

Philophobia usually occurs in people who have previously experienced trauma or past injuries.

Those who have witnessed the divorce of their parents, experienced domestic violence as a child,

or being mistreated at home may be reluctant to build relationships and closeness with others.

People who suffer from philophobia usually experience physical symptoms such as the following: 

1. Anxiety Dizzy 

2. Body Feels Tired and Chaotic Sweating 

3. Increased heart rate or palpitations 

4. Out of breath Unstable state of mind 

5. Stomach ache

These people eventually develop a fear that causes them to avoid RELATIONSHIP to avoid pain.

However, the further a person is away from his fear, the more his fear will increase.

This phobia affects feelings so strongly that it can interfere with the life of the sufferer. Philophobia is not just WORRY about falling in love but Philophobia is an EXTRAORDINARY fear to the extent of an "unnatural" fear of love.


Interesting Facts , There are 6 Facts about Smiling You must Know


Interesting Facts : There are 6 Facts about Smiling You must Know

Physiology says that Smiling is an expression of our face that happened because there is a movement between two or one lip tip or around the eyes. People do smile to show happiness and pleasure.

Here are 6 facts about smiling you must know to make you give much smiling to others

1. People who have big smile will live longer

Photos analysis from 230 baseball players shown results that they whom have big smile will live 4,9 years longer than they whom have no smiling on their face. We can't take draw conclusions that people who have big smile will live longer, but smiling can show the positive thinking that related a prosperous life

2. smile can trigger subconscious power

A study says that the one whom shown by a smiling photo for 4 milliseconds will see the world better than the one whom shown no smiling photo. for them, boring things being better, even bland drink will taste good.

3. Happiness brings smile

British Medical journal article says smiling can spread love. If there is one person has happiness, it will spread to two other people outside. So, if you're smiling then a friend from your friends may catch smiling from you.

4.there are two types of smiling

Two smiling types are real smile and fake smile. Real and fake smile governed by two separate neural pathways. People who have brain damage can even smile involuntarily even though they are unable to smile on their own face. Scientists speculate that humans evolved to be able to force a smile. This evolution is considered beneficial to cover the fear and anger experienced by humans.

5. Real smile and fake smile

To differentiate real smile and fake smile you can see from their eyes. When a person has a happy smile facial muscles with orbicular is oculi will do involuntary contraction. Real smile looks from skin wrinkles around the eyes. If someone forces their smile the facial muscles will have no movement.

6. Smiling has accents

Every single culture looks different about smiling Exspression. In America, smile focused on lips, whereas in Japan, Smile looked at eyes. Chat room emoticon can differ it, Emoticon in America : happy :)
Sad :( . Emoticon in JAPAN: Happy (^_^) , Sad (;_;).


Interesting Fact about Sleeping



Interesting : Here are 10 Sleeping Facts You might be Don't Know Yet

1.Randy Gardner is the one who had the record that he is a man who never sleep, he doesn't have any stimulants, he never sleep for eleven days 24 minutes.

2. Recording of the Guinness world about the voluntary deprivation of sleep are stopped due to the participants health and safety.

3. Somniphobia is a bad habit like scared intense before some one wanna sleep, it's irrational.

4. Without medicine, No way for someone keep awake . There are some people who can sleep without closing their eyes.

5. Parents will loose their sleep time around 400-750 hours due to their new baby arrives

6. Some animals can sleep while standing, it includes Elephants. and  Elephants can rest down for a moment due to their  weight can broke their internal organs.

7. You'll get snoring if you have non-Rem sleep

8. Hallucinating will occurs if you don't have much sleep time.

9. Adrenocorticotropin can make someone awake before the time You used to wake-up.

10. You'll have nice sleep if You snoozing