have you ever wondered why bananas have a curved shape?


   Oranges, watermelons, melons, duku, and several other fruits have a round shape, but some have a distinctive shape, such as mangoes. However, among fruits which are mostly round in shape, there is a fruit with a unique shape, that is namely bananas. Banana is a curved fruit. But have you ever wondered why bananas have a curved shape? 
   Banana tree is a plant that is widely used and easy to cultivate because it can grow well in various agroecological conditions. 
   Banana trees are tropical from rainforests, so they need lots of water and lots of humidity in the air. They grow best when planted in clusters fairly close together, as this helps retain moisture in the leaves. 
   Banana tree planting should be done in the rainy season. In addition, the planting hole must be given 15 – 20 kg of organic fertilizer before planting the bananas. This method is considered to be able to accelerate growth and produce good quality products. 

   Bananas themselves contain many nutrients that are good for the body, such as protein, fiber, magnesium, vitamin A, vitamin B, and vitamin C. 

   The harvest period is enough to take about 8 to 9 months at the age of planting. So it is estimated that in December all tree trunks can produce fruit and harvest can be done together. 
   Well, friends, you know that bananas have a unique shape, which is curved and elongated with a bright yellow color. The banana tree has flowers that are often referred as the banana heart. This flower is the forerunner of the fruit. Once the size of the prospective banana fruit increases, they will carry out a process called negative geotropism. This process basically means that the banana stops growing toward the ground, and then begins to turn toward the sun. The goal is none other than to get light, because bananas grow in rain forest areas that are classified as low light. Movement towards where the light is coming from also allows the banana plant to remain balanced.


Cat Lovers must know these facts about their beloved cats


   Even though they have been kept for years, cats still often roam outside the house which makes their owners feel worried. 

   Many people are afraid that their pet cat will get lost. Even so, you don't really need to worry if your beloved cat gets lost outside the house. Because, in fact cats can find their way back to where they used to be cared for. 

    It's just that, the time to go home for each cat can't be ascertained. Here are some reasons why cats can go home on their own and can find their way back home when they get lost. 

1. Cats have Strong Memory 
   Cats are able to capture and store in their memory the things around them. When taken on a trip, cats can easily remember the way of the position of the places passed. 

  Scientists also predict that these furry animals have special senses that can feel magnetic forces even though they are weak. This sense is useful for determining which direction the sea is (landmarks). With the seaward position guidance, the cat can walk without worrying about the wrong direction. 

   Cats, like many other animals, have a basic animal ability called taxon navigation or the ability to sense the direction of a target's location. To make location predictions more precise, cats use a variety of senses, sight and smell. However, sometimes cats also determine the wrong direction. 

2. Strong Sense of Sight and Smell 
  Cats have excellent eyesight, especially peripheral vision. A cat's pupils can dilate wider to capture beautiful landscape views. They are also skilled at detecting movement, a trait honed over thousands of years of hunting. It is interesting to note, however, that the cat has a blind spot just below its chin. Despite having stunning views, they can completely overlook anything that is within reach. 

   A cat's sense of smell is very important for studying the environment. About 200 million odor-sensitive cells are found in the nose of a typical cat. Humans only have five million. Cats not only use their noses when eating, they also rely on their sense of smell to communicate with one another. 

   This is information about the cat's ability to return to the house even though they often roam outside. So, for you cat lovers, don't worry too much when you see this cute animal occasionally choosing to go outside, OK!


Masseter Muscle is the Strongest


  Masseter Muscle is the Strongest
  In the human body there are more than 600 muscles spread all over the human body.
   In fact, almost 40 percent of the weight of the human body is muscle throughout the body. The role of muscles is very important because they can help to move, talk, chew, pump blood, breathe, and so on. From these various roles, human muscles have extraordinary strength to help the movement of bones. 

   The masseter muscle is one of the muscles in the human body, the masseter muscle is also called the jaw muscle. Its function is to chew and open and close the mouth. 

  This muscle is the most important muscle, because without this muscle, humans will not be able to make movements in the jaw area. To find out where it is, you can put your fingers behind your cheek while grinding your teeth. Then you will feel your muscles tighten. Well, that's where the masseter muscle is. 

   In fact, if you take into account weight, the strongest muscle in our body is the masseter muscle. This muscle works together with other muscles in the jaw to close the teeth with a force of about 25 kg in the incisors and 90 kg in the molars. 

   Well, that was an explanation of the strongest muscles in the human body. By reading a lot, friends can get a lot of useful information such as various facts about human muscles.




   The Mariana Trench is the most basic trench in the Pacific Ocean, west of the Philippines. This trough includes the trough that has the deepest point on the earth's surface, because it has the deepest seabed abyss. The Mariana Trench is in the ocean which is more than 2/3 of the earth wide. 
   The Mariana Trench has a depth of up to 11,304 meters. Mariana is also included in the number one deepest ocean trench in the world. The Mariana Trench is shaped like the letter V, and stretches 2,550 km long and 63 meters wide from the Pacific to the east of the Mariana Island. 
   The Mariana Trench was formed about 180 million years ago as a result of a strong collision between the Pacific tectonic plate and the Philippine plate. The collision eventually created a point where the layer fell into the Earth's mantle The trench itself is a ravine on the seabed that is very deep, elongated, narrow and steep. Generally occurs because there is a plate fracture. As quoted from the book Geography Class X published by the Ministry of Education and Culture. 
   The location of this trough also gave birth to the name Mariana Trench. The location point is closer to the US Mariana Islands, precisely on the seabed of the Pacific Ocean, to the west of the Philippines. 
   Summarized from various sources, here are five interesting facts about the Mariana Trench.
1. Deeper Than Mount Everest. 
   The Mariana Trench has a depth of 36,201 feet or 11,304 meters. Meanwhile, Mount Everest, which is actually the highest mountain, has a height of 29,035 feet or about 8,850 meters. 
   Well, if positioned upside down, the highest peak of Mount Everest will only be at a depth of 7000 feet or 2,133 meters below sea level. 

2. The deepest part of the Mariana Trench called Challenger Deep.
    The name is taken from two ships that have explored the depths with sounding equipment, namely HMS Challenger and HMS Challenger II. 

3. Visibility in this trough is zero and the temperature is very cold.
   The water pressure can reach 8 tons per square inch about a thousand times the standard atmospheric pressure at sea level. Therefore, only certain living things can live in the Mariana Trench with such extreme pressure. 

4. The oldest seabed. 
   Besides being the deepest in the world, the Mariana Trench is also the oldest seabed with an age reaching 180 million years 

5. The First Person to Explore the Mariana Trench.
   Scientist Jacques Piccard and US Navy Lieutenant Don Walsh were the first to reach the deepest point of the Mariana Challenger Deep. They reach a depth of 35,914 feet. 

  Although almost never touched by humans, the Mariana Trench holds many unique phenomena that are interesting to know. Are you interested in visiting it?


Here are 10 unique scientific facts about butterflies!


Here are 10 Unique Scientific Facts about Butterflies!

  Butterflies Symbolize Beautiful Feelings of Love Butterflies have a very beautiful face with beautiful colors on the wings. The beauty of the butterfly is often a symbol of love. The butterfly philosophy, which has a beautiful shape, teaches that love does look beautiful. 

   Butterflies generally live by sucking flower nectar (nectar / flower juice). However, some species like the liquid sucked from fruit that falls on the ground and rots, carrion meat, bird droppings, and wet soil. but how much do you know about this insect? 

     Here are 10 unique scientific facts about butterflies! 

1. Butterfly wings are transparent 

  Who says butterfly wings have colors? In fact, butterflies have transparent or colorless wings. Then how come the wings look beautiful with colorful colors? Well, this is what many people don't know, it turns out that butterfly wings are colorless or transparent, the color is produced from the color of the fine feathers that cover the wings. 

2. Butterflies taste something with their feet.
It has wings that are the attraction of the beauty of this one insect. Butterflies have quite unique senses. While most insects taste with their tongues, it is different for butterflies. Butterflies taste the nectar in flowers with their feet. 

3. The butterfly's diet depends on the liquid type. 
   Talking about the diet of butterflies, adult butterflies only eat liquids, usually nectar. Their mouthparts are modified to be able to drink, but they are unable to chew solid food. 
  A proboscis, which functions as a drinking straw, is coiled under the butterfly's chin until it finds a source of nectar, or other liquid nutrition. It will then stretch out the tubular structure to suck in its food.

4. A butterfly must combine its proboscis/proboscis as soon as it emerges from the Chrysalis/cocoon. 
  Butterflies that can't drink nectar are dead, so one of the main tasks of an adult butterfly is to make sure its mouth is functioning. 
   When a new adult butterfly emerges from the pupa or cocoon, its mouth is divided into 2 parts. Using the palps located near the trunk, the butterfly begins to combine the 2 parts into one mouthpart, the tubular trunk. 
   You will see the butterfly just emerging from the cocoon curl up and stick out its trunk to test its function. 

5. Butterflies drink from mud grains. 
  Male butterflies usually suck mud grains several times to meet their mineral and salt needs. A butterfly can't just live on sugar. He also needs minerals to supplement his nectar diet.

6. Butterflies can't fly when they're cold. 
   At first glance it may sound silly, but in reality it is like that, this makes the butterfly unique. Maybe if other winged animals such as birds can still fly when cold, unlike the case with butterflies which cannot fly when they feel cold. The reason is simple, the butterfly cannot regulate the temperature in its own body, as a result this animal cannot fly. 

7. Newly "hatched" butterflies cannot fly.       
  Actually, this is common, because it's not only butterflies that can't fly when they're born, humans can't even walk when they're born. But the reason is not that, because the butterfly when it is born has small and crumpled wings, so it cannot be used to fly. 

8. Butterflies only live for 2-4 weeks. 
  It turns out that butterflies don't live long, you know. The average butterfly can only survive for a few weeks. During its short life, the butterfly will forage for food and find the right plants to deposit its eggs. Usually, butterflies will survive about 4 weeks. 
 But if you count all the stages of metamorphosis, it's about two or eight months in total. However, there are also types of butterflies that live only 24 hours and some butterflies can live a maximum of eight months. 

9. Butterflies are animals at close range.  
 Butterflies have a viewing distance of about 3 meters. However, butterflies can see not only a number of colors that we can see, but also ultraviolet colors, colors that the human eye cannot. 
   Butterflies themselves are even believed to have a number of ultraviolet color markings attached to their wings to help them identify each other and find potential mates. Not only that, flowers also have ultraviolet color markings that act as signals to attract the attention of butterflies and other pollinating animals. 

10. Butterflies are quite clever and have many tricks to escape being eaten by predators. 
   Butterflies are ranked at the bottom of the food chain, so many predators want to devour them. Therefore, the butterfly requires a number of defense mechanisms. Some butterflies fold their wings to blend in with the background in which they live, aka camouflage.Some butterfly species attempt to use the opposite strategy of displaying bright colors and patterns to scare off their predators. 

   Those are 10 unique scientific facts you need to know about butterflies.


Did You Know, There are Some of the Most Loyal Animals in this World?


Did You Know, There are Some of the Most Loyal Animals in this World?

Not many know, there are some of the most loyal animals in this world, you know. Even though they don't have the same sense as humans, these animals naturally stay with only one partner for the rest of their lives. Are you curious, right? check below.

1. Crocodile 
It turns out that 70% of crocodiles will choose the same mate when the breeding season arrives, although crocodiles may find new partners. Even the animal will mate once as a form 

A symbol of affection and loyalty is also attached to the dove. This one animal only looks for a life partner once in a lifetime. They will also be loyal to their partner until one of them dies. 

3. Goose 
The swan is often used as a symbol of love and fidelity. This one bird is known to be loyal and includes monogamous animals. However, geese can "divorce" with their partners, if their partners fail to nest, die, or are eaten by predators. 

4. Wolf 
In fairy tales, wolves are often depicted as cunning and evil animals. In fact, wolves are among the most loyal of animals. 

5. Seahorse 
This animal is known for its loyal nature to its partner. Seahorses live in pairs for the rest of their lives. When pairs of seahorses travel, they will go together holding each other by the tail. 

6. Emperor Penguin 
Emperor penguins are said to be the most loyal birds to their partners. However, actually a penguin will only last with his partner for one year. In the next year's breeding season, the penguin will look for another mate. Uniquely, a researcher says, there are penguins who have been paired with the same penguin for 16 years. 

7. Butterfly 
Besides being beautiful, butterflies are also very loyal, you know. These animals will mate and lay eggs once in their lifetime. One of the reasons is the very short lifespan of butterflies. The most loyal of the butterfly pairs is the female. 

8. Termites 
In a termite colony, the queen will only mate once with a male termite. It stores gametes for life as a queen, while male termites die soon and never mate again. 

9. Beaver 
This cute looking animal is very loyal to its partner. Beavers are monogamous and remain faithful to their mates. Even though they are monogamous, beavers will look for a new mate if the first mate dies. Meanwhile, adult otters will continue to look after and care for their young until they are about two years old. 

10. Owl 
Owls are loyal animals with their partners. They can stay a lifetime to breed, find nests, and food. These birds can produce children and often mate with the same partner. 

11. Parakeet 
Parakeets are social animals that can feel sad and lonely when they don't have friends. That's why parakeets are one of the most loyal animals to their partners. They need a partner in their cage to be happy. In fact, after getting acquainted, they would not leave each other. 

12. Black vulture 
Black Vulture Handsome and beautiful is not a prerequisite for a loyal relationship. The black vulture community ensures that. The black vulture community is known to attack other vultures caught cheating. 

13. Bald Eagle 
Male American bald eagles are very loyal to their partners. Not only that, this type of eagle also takes care of their young. They take care of their young by incubating the eggs to keep them warm and feeding them after they hatch. 

14. Sea Eagle 
Sea eagles love to explore the sea and make short trips. Even so, these birds will always return to the same place and show that they are loyal animals. During the breeding season, albatrosses will return to their gathering place to mate and this continues until the end of their lives. 

15. French Angel Fish 
France Angelfish You won't find this french angelfish alone. This fish is active, hunting, migrating, always with a partner. They form a monogamous bond for life or until one dies. The pair work as a team, and defend their territory from other couples. 

So, those are some animals that are loyal to their partners.


Some Habits That Can Increase Our Brain Intelligent, Read It. .


Some Habits That Can Increase Our Brain Intelligent, Read It.

Having a low IQ is not the end of everything, because IQ is not the only factor that determines a person's success. However, if you want to have a higher IQ, there are several ways to increase your IQ that you can.

There are various ways you can do to increase your IQ as well as prepare yourself if one day you have to take an IQ test.

Brushing teeth with different hands

If you usually brush your teeth with your right hand, try using your left this time. Research shows that your non-dominant hand can train the other side of your brain. And the results could add to an important expansion of the cortical regions of your brain involved in processing things and controlling things.

Shower with your eyes closed

If you only close your eyes while you're washing your face, try closing your eyes while you shower. Make your hands as "eyes" to do activities while bathing. The brain will send signals to the hands to carry out activities in the bathroom such as taking shampoo, soap, scrubbing the body and wiping the face.

But be careful when doing this one activity. Make sure you don't put shampoo or soap far from you, so you don't have to go any further to pick it up. Also make sure that the floor is not slippery when you do this one activity.

Open the car window

The hippocampus in the brain is an area that processes a number of things, especially those involving smell, sound, sight, to mental formation.

Practice identifying new smells and new sounds on new routes to your office. Opening a car window can provide newer or more raw material for your brain to study. Or if you walk or ride a motorbike, look for new routes for new sights and new experiences.

Changing habits in the morning

Studies of brain imaging show that new activities in the morning can exercise large areas of the cortex, showing increased levels of brain activity in several different areas. This brain activity will decrease when the activities carried out do not change and that's all.

If you usually wake up after you make coffee, read the newspaper, then go take a shower. Try changing it to going to the bathroom first, making breakfast, reading the newspaper and going to work.

More social interaction

Scientific research has repeatedly proven that a lack of social interaction has a severe negative effect on overall cognitive abilities. Humans are social creatures and need to socialize with other humans. Socializing is not only good for establishing good relationships, but also for stimulating the brain through various forms of stimulation.

Trying new food

Your olfactory system can distinguish millions of odors by activating a unique combination of receptors in your nose. There will be an immediate emotional connection centered directly on your brain, so a new scent can evoke unexpected feelings and associations.

Here are some ways you can do to increase brain intelligence. The brain does need to be trained and forced to work effectively so that if you get used to it, you will see an improvement. Hopefully by doing these things the brain can work faster and smarter so that it can solve various jobs and problems without complicated obstacles.


10 Unique and Interesting Facts about the Human Body and maybe You just Found Out.


10 Unique and Interesting Facts about the Human Body and maybe You just Found Out.

  Human organs are mainly composed of trillions of cells which are considered as the basic unit of life. Groups of similar cells with the same function form a network. These tissues join together to form organs and form organ systems, which eventually give rise to the individual. 
     This fact is one of the many facts that have been found in the human body. You should know about other facts about the human body that will be discussed here. 
     Here are unique facts about the human body that are rarely known. 

1. About one liter of saliva is produced every day. 
   Based on research in the Journal of Medicine and Life edition of July-September 2009, saliva production normally varies between 0.5 to 1.5 liters per day. Saliva helps the body to enjoy the flavors in food by helping to break down food into smaller pieces. It also helps to mash and mix food, making it easier to swallow and digest. 

2. Liver can expand and shrink.
     As taught in science lessons at school, the liver is an excretory organ whose function is to excrete bile every day. In addition, the liver secretes bile which contains bile salts into the duodenum to digest fat. Well, this means that the role of the liver is very important for the system in our body, friends. Do you know? It turns out that the liver can also expand and shrink, lo. Reporting from Science Alert, the heart will expand half as large when we are awake, or during the day. When night falls, then we have decided to rest and sleep, the heart will shrink back to its original size.

3. There is a New Organ in the Human Body          Researchers have recognized that there is a new organ that has actually been in the body for a long time. The organ is called the mesentery, it is hidden in our digestive system. Unfortunately, scientists and researchers do not know for sure the function of the mesentery organ. 

4. Discovery of New Lung Functions. 
   So far we know that the lungs help the human respiratory system, to regulate the exchange of oxygen and carbon dioxide in the body. However, scientists discovered that the lungs also have a new function that is related to blood production. This is not a new function of the lungs, but scientists have just realized the function. The lungs were able to produce more than 10 million platelets per hour. 

5. The brain can clean itself.
    Our brain is the control center for all systems and organs in the body. Did you know, it turns out that the brain also 'cleans' itself when we lack sleep. When a person is sleep deprived, it triggers the brain to clear a large number of neurons and synaptic connections. As a result, lack of sleep can make us less focused, easy to forget, and difficult to concentrate. 

6. Intestinal bacteria and their role.
    Bacteria in the gut are often associated with the human digestive system, but they can also affect brain disease. It is known, neurodegenerative diseases such as Parkinson's turned out to start from the intestines, not in the brain. Parkinson's is a disease of the nervous system that interferes with the body's ability to control movement and balance. The bacteria in our gut control our appetite, which can change the structure of the brain and can even cause a stroke. 

7. The resolution of the human eye is 576 megapixels which is better than the high resolution cameras available. 

8. Unlike bones and other organs, our teeth are the only part of the body that cannot heal and repair itself. 

9. There is a small hole at the bottom of the eyelid. This is called the lacrimal punctum and drains the tears into the nose. This is why you have a cold after crying. 

10. Our entire skin surface (epidermis) completely regenerates itself every month, so humans can have about 1,000 different "skins" in a lifetime. 

So, those were 10 unique and interesting facts about the human body and maybe you just found out. Of course, there are many other interesting facts about the human body.


Explanation and Facts of Wind and a Hurricane as a Form of Hydrometeorological Disaster


Explanation and Facts  of Wind and a Hurricane as a Form of Hydrometeorological Disaster.

 Reporting from Weather and Climate (2018), the wind is moving air. The movement of the wind is caused by several things. One of them is because the earth rotates or rotates. Air also moves because of the difference in air pressure around it. The wind flow comes from a place with high air pressure to a place with low air pressure. 
    The occurrence of the wind is influenced by the rotation of the earth along with the heating of an area by the sun. There are several properties of the wind: 

1. The wind has a very different wind speed from one place to another, and from time to time. 

2. Wind has properties that can cause pressure on a surface that opposes the direction of the wind. 

3. Wind also has the property of accelerating the cooling of a hot object. 

     Wind is invisible to the eye Due to the small number of particles, there is no reflected light. So in the absence of light, nothing can be reflected into the air into your eyes. 

There are several types of wind, here's an explanation. 

1. Land breeze and sea breeze 
     Land breezes and sea breezes occur due to differences in the nature of land and sea in absorbing and releasing solar thermal energy. The existence of a land breeze occurs because the heat energy absorbed by the earth's surface throughout the day will be released more quickly by the land. Meanwhile, in the ocean, heat energy is in the process of being released into the air. 

2. Mountain Wind and Valley Wind 
    Valley breezes occur when the sun rises. The top of the mountain is the area that gets heat first and during the process, the slopes of the mountain get more heat energy than the valleys. This condition causes a temperature difference between the two. Hot air from the mountain slopes rises and is replaced by cold air from the valley. As a result there is a flow of air from the valley to the mountain. 

3. Hurricane/Whirlwind 
    A hurricane/whirlwind is also known as a cyclone, which is a strong wind that comes suddenly, has a center, moves in a spiral like a spiral to touch the earth's surface and disappears in a short time (3-5 minutes). The average wind speed ranges from 30-40 knots. This wind comes from Cumulonimbus (Cb) clouds, which are dark gray and towering clumpy clouds. 

4. Monsoon Wind 
  Monsoon winds are winds that blow periodically (at least three months) and the pattern will be opposite from one period to another. 

     Well, how about the fact that a tornado occurs, it is known that tornadoes can cause severe damage if they occur in densely populated settlements. Tornado wind speeds can reach 40 to 50 km/hour. This wind touches the earth's surface and will disappear after 3 to 5 minutes.
    Usually, a hurricane forms some time after there are signs of dark skies, black thunderstorm clouds, and the sudden appearance of a funnel from the clouds. What Causes Tornadoes? Tornados occur because of the difference in air pressure so that the air pressure forms a vortex in the weather system. 
   There are 3 stages of hurricane formation, namely,

1. the growing phase
    The growing phase is characterized by the presence of air currents that rise upwards with strong pressure, in the clouds. At this stage, the water droplets and crystals cannot yet become rain because they are still being held back by rising air currents.
2. The adult phase 
    The adult phase, rain begins to fall and causes friction between rising and falling air currents. When the air currents rise and fall, they create a shear current that rotates and forms a vortex. The longer, the air currents will be faster and form a cyclone that touches the earth's surface.
3. The extinct phase.  
   Furthermore, in a whirlwind occurred. Then in the final phase, namely the extinction phase, the air mass will expand throughout the cloud, then stop, and the hurricane can end. 

    Well, that's an explanation of a Hurricane as a form of hydrometeorological disaster.


What Happens if We Accidentally Swallow gum?Is It Dangerous?


What Happens if We Accidentally Swallow gum?
Is It Dangerous?

    Chewing gum is a chewing gum that has a characteristic that it can be made to inflate bubbles. They have a variety of colors and have a certain taste. Usually, chewing gum is sticky and when the bubbles expand to a certain extent, the bubbles will burst and hit the face. This is because chewing gum is thicker than any chewing gum. 

   Not only can make your breath fresh, chewing gum also has many health benefits. However, you should pay attention to a few things when chewing gum, because there are also side effects that may lurk. 

   Various Benefits of Chewing Gum Reduce stress. Research shows that chewing gum can help with stress. 
... Helps maintain healthy teeth and mouth. ... Helps lose weight. 
... Prevent ear infections in children. 
... Tighten facial muscles. 

   Then, how long should we chew gum? Experts suggest, we chew candy 3-4 times a day and not too long, about 10-15 minutes is enough. Chewing gum too often turns out to have an impact that cannot be taken lightly. Not only causes problems with dental and oral health, but also causes disturbances in the digestive system. 

  So what happens if we accidentally swallow gum? Related to this, many are curious what the impact can be felt if we swallow it. Registered dietitian Beth Czerwony explains what actually happens when swallowed gum goes into the stomach. According to him, occasionally swallowing gum is harmless, but don't get used to it. Most chewing gum on the market is made from a gum base which is a synthetic material, not a real food ingredient. This gum base does not provide any nutritional value, and is indigestible. That means, our bodies can't break down chewing gum like food.