You Should Know the Abbreviations in the World of Technology and Their Abbreviations


Have You Known Abbreviations in the world of technology and their abbreviations, here They are

1. GOOGLEGoogle : Organization of Oriented Group Language of Earth
2. YAHOO : Yet Another Hierarchial Officious Oracle

3. WINDOWS : Wide Interactive Network Development for Office Work Solution
4. INTERNET : Interconnected Network

5. MALWARE : Malicious Software

6. MULTIMEDIA : Multiple Form of Medi
7. PPI : Pixel Per Inch
8. WIFI : Wireless Fidelity
9. GPS : Global Positioning System
10. ATM : Automatic Teller Machine 
11. PDF : Portable Document Format 
12. LASER : Light Amplification by Stimulated Emissiin of  Radiation
13. CAPTCHA : Completely Automated Publica Turing Test to Tell Computer and Human Apartemen
14. VIRUS : Vital Information Resource Under Siege
15. SIM CARD : Subcriber Indentity Module Card
16. CHAT : Conversational Hypertext Access Technology
17. DOMAIN : Distributed Operating Multi Access Interactive Network
18. RADAR : Radio Detection and Ranging
19. SONAR : Sound Navigation and Ranging
20. UFO : Unidentified Flying Object
21. EMOTICON : Emotion Icon
22. FM : Frequency Modulation
23. LTE : Long Term Evolution 
24. BIT : Binary Digit
25. KB : Kilo Byte
26. LCD : Liquid Crystal Display
27. LED : Light-Emiting Diode
28. QR CODE : Quick ResponResponse Code
29. VPN :Virtual Private Network


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