10 Smartest Countries in the World Based on IQ Scores in 2022


   To find out human intelligence can use various ways, one of which is by measuring IQ (Intellectual Quotient) or intellectual intelligence. 

   Measurement of IQ intelligence is commonly used because it covers a number of human abilities, ranging from reasoning, planning, problem solving, thinking, speaking, conveying ideas, understanding things, to learning abilities. 

   The following are the results of the ranking of the average IQ measurements from countries as reported by the World Population Review. Let us see! 

Countries with the Highest IQ Intelligence Level 2022 The following are the countries with the highest intelligence levels in the world in 2022, namely: 

1. Japan: 106.48 

2. Taiwan: 106.47 

3. Singapore: 105.89 

4. Hong Kong: 105.37 

5. China: 104.1 

6. South Korea: 102.35 

7. Belarus: 101.6 

8. Finland: 101.2 

9. Liechtenstein: 101.07 

10. Germany: 100.74 

  Meanwhile, according to the study, Indonesia ranks 130th with an IQ score of 78.49. Countries with Intelligence Levels Based on Mathematics, Science, and Reading Ability However, IQ is not an absolute way to determine a person's intelligence. We can add another factor why the population of a country is intelligent based on the average IQ score that has been refined. 

   Usually, it will be added from the national math, reading, and science assessment level. The following is the highest IQ intelligence level based on math, science, and reading ability, namely: 

1. China: 555, 591, 590 

2. Singapore: 549, 569, 551 

3. Macau: 525, 558, 544 

4. Hong Kong: 524, 551, 517 

5. Estonia: 523, 523, 530 

6. Canada: 520, 512, 518 

7. Finland: 520, 507, 522 

8. Ireland: 518, 500, 496 

9. South Korea: 514, 526, 519 

10. Poland: 512, 516, 511. 

   Based on the Benefit of Knowledge The ability of human knowledge that will be used to develop science and technology. However, not all countries that have a high IQ on average can take advantage of it. 

   So, depending on whether a country can use the IQ score to advance the country or not. Smart citizens can certainly help a country to improve science, technology, and profitable economic innovation. 

   The following are the countries that have the highest knowledge usefulness rating, namely: 

1. United States: 74.88 (A+) 

2. United Kingdom: 64.19 (A) 

3. Germany: 64.18 (A) 

4. Australia: 63.96(A) 

5. Singapore: 63.60 (A) 

6. Sweden: 61.58 (A) 

7. Switzerland: 61.57 (A) 

8. Canada: 61.15(A) 

9. Finland: 60.45 (A) 

10. Denmark: 60.25 (A) 

   Well, that's the ranking of the countries with the highest intelligence levels in the world.


Why we always close our eyes when we sneeze


This is the scientific reasons, the reasons why our eyes close automatically when we sneeze. what is the first thing we do unconsciously? Yes, close your eyes and nose. 

   Sneezing is a condition when the body responds to a foreign object entering through the nose. This is thanks to the help of the nerves in the nose. 

   When a foreign object enters, our nose will feel itchy, and a moment later there will be sneezing. This is the role of the sensory nerves in the nose, which signal the cilia to push the object out. 

Cilia are fine hairs in the nasal cavity that function to filter air. So, why do we close our eyes when we sneeze? 

Body Reflexes 

 Reflexes are automatic movements and cannot be designed, to external stimuli given by an organ of the body. There is a small hole called the nasolacrimal duct that connects the eye to the nose. 

   When a foreign body enters the nose, there is a contraction along the end of the nasolacrimal duct. The result of these contractions causes our eyes to close. 

   When we sneeze, there is a strong enough pressure on our eyes, so we close our eyes unconsciously. 

   If you don't close your eyes when you sneeze, it can make your eyes uncomfortable. 

Dangers of Holding a Sneeze

   From the process of sneezing, we know that the nose is connected to other organs, such as the eyes, mouth, and ears. 

   Some people are uncomfortable with the condition of our body when we sneeze, so it will hold it back. 

   However, holding back a sneeze will cause injury to several parts of the body. When a sneeze is deliberately restrained, the air pressure in the facial cavity will increase. 

   The increased air pressure risks causing the small blood vessels in the nose, eyes, and eardrums to burst. If a blood vessel bursts, it will bleed in the form of red spots on the eyes, nosebleeds, and bloody ears. 

   While in the diaphragm muscle, holding back a sneeze will cause a dangerous injury. 

   As you know, the diaphragm muscle plays a role in the respiratory system, especially in the respiration process. This muscle also plays a role in the process of coughing, vomiting, and sneezing. 

   Therefore, if the sneeze is held, it will also be bad for the diaphragm muscle. Well, that's the reason and explanation of sneezing and its relation to closed eyes.


Insects often gather near lights, who would have thought this was the reason Insects often gather near lights at night


   Insects often gather near lights at night. Let us try to pay attention to the insects around you at night. Usually, the insects will congregate near the light. Sometimes, this situation can be annoying.

   However, do you know friends? It turns out that there are several reasons why insects often congregate near lights. Letak us find it out! 

Phototaxis Phenomenon 

   The phenomenon of phototaxis describes how organisms respond to light by movement. 

   Insects that move toward light, such as moths, are said to be phototactic positive. 

   On the other side, there are also insects that avoid light such as cockroaches that move away from light. These insects are called negative phototactic. 

Insects Follow Natural Light 

   One theory about insects that are phototactic positive is that they are attracted to light because light acts like a guide. 

   There are insects that follow natural light, namely sunlight or moonlight at a certain angle. 

   However, when looking at artificial light such as lamplight, insects can also be confused. 

   It is possible that the insects thought the light from the lamp was the light of the Sun or the Moon. 

   So, instead of following a certain angle from the light of the Sun or Moon, insects follow the light of the lamp. 

   As a result, they circle around the light which can make them dizzy and stressed. 

Light for Guides 

   Another theory expressed by researchers is the possibility of artificial light in lamps being a clear guide for insects. 

   So, instead of flying in a dark area, the insects go straight to the light because the environment around the light is seen more clearly. 

Thinking of Light Like a Flower 

   Another opinion of scientists is the possibility of insects mistakenly interpreting the artificial light from the lamp as a flower. 

   Some types of flowers do reflect ultraviolet light, friends. 

   Well, artificial light also emits a little ultraviolet light. Some insects may mistake it for flowers that are their food source. 


8 Amazing Octopus Facts, from Playful to Good at Remembering


8 Amazing Octopus Facts, from Playful to Good at Remembering 
   Octopuses have brain cells that circulate throughout the body. Not only that, the unique fact of this animal is more than that. 

   Octopuses are mischievous creatures who love to play, full of curiosity. Their abilities may surprise us. 

   In his audiobook, Other Minds: The Octopus And The Evolution Of Intelligent Life, philosopher and diver Peter Godfrey-Smith explores the surprising evolutionary journey of cephalopods. 

   Here are amazing octopus facts: 

Octopuses are smart but most of their brain cells are actually in their 'arms'

   Octopuses have a large nervous system, with the average octopus having about 500 million neurons or brain cells. 

   That puts it in the same "brain span" as smaller mammals like dogs. 

   Unlike dogs, humans and others, most of the neurons are found in the octopus' arms and not in the brain, with nearly twice as many. 

   Each sucker in an octopus' arm may have 10,000 neurons to handle taste and touch. 

Octopuses can be trained and have the ability to remember 
   Research conducted in the last 70 years has shown that these animals can be trained to perform simple tasks. 

   In one particular experiment, a number of octopuses were able to pull a lever to earn the prize of a piece of sardine. 

   The octopus had also undergone a visual test and was faced with a simple task, one of which was to remember something with one eye closed and then the other. 

   It was a long process, but the octopus outperformed many other animals, including pigeons. 

Octopus is very naughty 
   In the lever experiment mentioned above, three octopuses are involved. They were named Albert, Bertram and Charles. 

   Albert and Bertram were the most consistent, while Charles was a bit stubborn and broke the lever! 

   If that wasn't enough, Charles also sprayed water on whoever was doing the experiment that day! 

   Octopuses that did not carry out commands in experiments were recorded in various aquariums, including those that had learned to turn off lights by spraying jets of water on a bulb and short-circuiting the power supply. 

   At the University of Otago in New Zealand, the experimental project was so expensive that an octopus had to be released back into the wild.

Octopuses recognize people individually 
   In the same lab in New Zealand that had a "blackout" problem, an octopus disliked a member of the lab staff, for no apparent reason. 

   Every time that person passed, he received a spray of half a gallon of water down the back of his neck! 

Octopus likes to play 
   Perhaps unsurprisingly, given the mischievous antics described above, they are delightful creatures. 

   Several octopuses in the lab were seen spending time blowing pill bottles around the tank, bouncing the bottles back and forth in the stream of water coming from the tank's inlet valve. 

   Octopus reproduce hand in hand For many species of octopus, we can tell if they are male or female if they have a groove under the right arm of all three. 

   If the groove is there, then the octopus is male. They use this arm for mating. They reproduce by extending the arm toward the female and, if she accepts it, a packet of sperm is passed along the underside of the arm. 
   Females often then store sperm for some time before fertilizing their eggs. 

   High five is their standard greeting When octopuses are on the move, they are sometimes seen "striking" with their hands at other octopuses in the nest. 

   However, Professor Stefan Linquist, who has studied the behavior of octopuses, believes this interaction is actually a high five, which helps the octopuses recognize each other. 

Octopus has many hearts 
   The octopus has three hearts. His heart pumped blue-green blood. 

   They use copper as an oxygen-carrying molecule instead of iron, which makes our blood red. 

They can be scary 
   Octopuses can change colors and patterns. When an aggressive male octopus is about to attack another octopus, he will often look dark, rise from the bottom of the sea, and stretch out his arms in such a way as to increase his body size. 

   Sometimes he would lift his coat, the entire back of his body, over his head. It's nicknamed the "nosferatu" pose because of its resemblance to a vampire's posture. 

Having no skeleton gives them an advantage 
   An octopus can fit through a hole the size of its eyeball and change its shape almost indefinitely. 

   Not having a skeleton or shell is unusual for an animal of the size and complexity of an octopus. 

  This quality makes them more vulnerable to predators on one level, but also allows them to hide.


Often Underestimated, Here Are 6 Benefits of Reading Novels for Brain and Mental Health Do you often read novels


Often Underestimated, Here Are 6 Benefits of Reading Novels for Brain and Mental Health Do you often read novels
 Novel is a book or written work that contains fantasy, fiction, or not based on reality. Novels are written based on the author's imagination. 

   The story in the novel is more emotional and entertaining, yes. One hobby that is still often underestimated is reading fiction novels. 

   Many people think that reading novels is not beneficial. In fact, according to studies, reading and getting to know the characters in novels will help improve brain health. In addition, it also has a good impact on our psychological responses when interacting with outsiders. 

   Let's find out together what are the benefits of reading novels, shall we? The following are the benefits of reading novels, including: 

1. Sleep Better. 
   Do you know? Reading is one way to make you sleep better. This habit turns out to be able to make the mind become more relaxed so that the rest becomes more quality. 

2. Develop Verbal Ability. 
   The benefit of reading fiction novels is to improve verbal skills. The benefit of reading fiction novels is to improve verbal skills. (Los Muertos Crew) Someone who often reads novels will have a wider vocabulary. You can also express what you feel with the right words, yes. To increase the vocabulary that you use every day, you can read novels. 

3. Learn to Empathize.
 Launching from lifestyle.kompas.com, reading novels can teach us to empathize with others. 

   According to research, imagining stories helps activate brain regions responsible for understanding other people. It also helps us see the world from a new perspective, Kids. 

4. Powerful Overcome Stress. 
   Stress that is not addressed immediately can have an impact on health, both physically and psychologically. One of the benefits of reading novels is that they are effective in dealing with stress. Reading a novel silently for ten minutes every day can actually slow down muscle tension and heart rate. 

5. Enjoy Art. 
   Art is a work created with extraordinary craftsmanship. The benefit of reading novels is being able to enjoy art compared to those who rarely do. Even reading novels will also make you have better social skills. 

6. Gaining New Experiences. 
   Someone who likes to read novels will get new experiences. Besides that, you can also get information around the world. 

   So it is not surprising that many intelligent and successful people have a high interest in reading. These informations about the benefits of reading novels that are still often underestimated.


8 Facts About Flu


   The arrival of the rainy season is accompanied by influenza or flu. 

  The flu is a contagious respiratory disease that can cause symptoms including fever, cough, chills, body aches, and fatigue Flu season strikes every year, and the virus can spread quickly in schools and workplaces. 

   Some people who get the flu recover without complications in about one to two weeks. But the flu can be dangerous for young children and people 65 and older. 

   Although many people catch the flu at least once in their lifetime, you may not know everything about the disease. Here are 8 facts about Flu. 
1. Flu takes 48 hours to infect the body

  If you have the flu, then remember the activities you did the previous 2 days. 

   According to research, the flu virus can implant itself into the cell layers of the human body and infect after you are contaminated with the virus for 48 hours / 2 days. 

2. Exercise is the best medicine 

   In order for the flu to recover quickly, exercise is the best way. Exercise can improve blood circulation in the body, so that white blood that functions as the body's immune system can heal infected cells. 

   Try to exercise 5 times a week, for 30 minutes a day. 

3. Lack of sleep The main reason a person catches the flu is lack of sleep

   Sleep is better if done an average of 7 to 8 hours a day. If done less than 7 hours, and done many times, then the immune system will decrease. 

  According to research from Carnegie Mellon University, people who spend less than 92% of their sleep time are five times more likely to catch the flu. 

4. Vitamin C 

   Many people say that vitamin C can ward off the flu virus. However, this is not entirely wrong and not entirely true. 

   Vitamin C does not cure the flu, but increases our body's immunity to ward off viruses. So it's our body that actually does self-healing. 

5. Experiencing the Flu 200 times 

   Did you know that the average person aged 75 has had the flu 200 times. Meanwhile, in children, the risk of getting the flu virus is 4 to 8 times a year. Meanwhile, adults have the risk of getting the flu virus on average twice a year. 

6. Breast milk can treat the flu 

 Tom Bayne, DC, ChicagoHealers.com practitioner. resulted in research that the substance in breast milk (Mother's Milk) contains Monolaurin which is able to relieve symptoms of flu and fatigue. Monolaurin has the ability to increase endurance better than vitamin C. 

7. Flu makes you fat 

   Researchers at Rady Children's Hospital in San Diego found that children who had the flu (adenovirus) experienced digestive problems that resulted in 50 pounds of weight gain than children who had not had the flu.

8. Echinacea Flower 

   Researchers from the University of Connecticut found that Echinacea flowers can increase immunity from the flu virus. Supplements derived from Echinacea flowers are believed to be able to relieve flu symptoms. It is believed that Echinacea contains substances that can boost immunity.


5 Unique Facts about Tonga, the Most Dangerous Place in the World5 Unique Facts about Tonga, the Most Dangerous Place in the World


5 Unique Facts about Tonga, the Most 
   Dangerous Place in the World The unique facts of the country of Tonga have attracted the attention of many people. Especially with the nickname of the most dangerous place in the world makes a lot of questions in people's minds. What's the reason? 

   Apparently, this country in the Polynesian archipelago has experienced a catastrophic underwater volcanic eruption and a very powerful tsunami. As a result, this country in the Southern Pacific Ocean has been devastated and damaged. 

   The catastrophic underwater volcanic eruption that occurred on January 15, 2022 received the attention of the closest neighboring countries, namely Australia and New Zealand. The two countries provide humanitarian assistance, such as clean water, food logistics, communication tools, to medical equipment. 

   This terrible disaster has earned Tonga the title of the most dangerous country in the world. In addition, it turns out that Tonga has other unique facts. There anything? Listen here. 

1. Adherents of the Ancient Monarchy System. 

   The unique fact of the first Tonga state is from the system of government adopted. Scholars estimate that the country was first settled in 826 BC in its oldest city, Nukulake. 

   The Tongans once had the most important role in the entire Central Pacific region. In 1845 a young soldier united Tonga and received the highest title of Tui Kanokupolu as King George Tupou I. He also declared Tonga a Constitutional Monarchy of Tonga. Tonga has been the only indigenous monarchy that has survived in the Pacific Islands since 1500 BC. 

   This country has just become independent and has been a British Commonwealth country since 1970. Currently, Tonga has the VI King George Tupou who was elected in 2012.

2. Remote Archipelago State. 

   In 2020, it is known that the population in the country of Tonga will only reach 105,697 people. This population is spread over a land area of ​​748 square kilometers. This means that the density in Tonga is 145 per square kilometer. 

   The country with the capital city of Nuku'alofa has 169 islands. However, there are still many uninhabited, only about 36 islands have residents. 

3. Business to Sports is Prohibited on Sundays. 

   King George Tupou I forbade business, sports to open shops on Sundays. This is because they want to make Christians solemn in worshiping at church to resting with their families on Sundays. 

4. Friendly Archipelago Country. 

   Another unique fact of Tonga is its friendly people. In the 17th century, an English ship captain named James Cook first discovered the Tonga Islands. At that time, the people of Tonga welcomed James Cook's arrival very friendly. 

   So do not be surprised, if Tonga is dubbed as a friendly archipelagic country, referring to the friendly nature of its inhabitants when meeting newcomers.

5. Humpback Whale Breeding Place. 

   Many tourists or foreign tourists are interested in coming to Tonga because they want to swim with humpback whales. Although not all year long the humpback whale is in Tonga, there is a schedule every year that the humpback whale is in Tonga on a regular basis. 

   Among them are the months of June to October. Humpback whales must have crossed the warm waters of Tonga after swimming for food as far as 4,830 Kilometers from Antarctica. As it turns out, a unique fact from another Tongan country is that the humpback whale makes Tonga's waters a breeding ground and giving birth to children before returning to Antarctica again. 

   Those are 5 unique facts about Tonga that are interesting to know. So curious about the beauty of this country?


Can humans travel through time?


   Nothing is the most fascinating of the mysteries of science except the time traveler. Is it true that humans can pass through time? In fact, the concept of time travel is still one of the greatest unsolved mysteries of science to this day. 

  The concept of walking forward or backward to different points in time is scientifically agreed upon as motion similar to how we move in space. The reality is that humans walk in time with a line system, from the present time to the future per unit time to the end, or often called death. 

Looking Back to the Past 
   We can't travel through time, but we can look back in time, every night. 

   Light has a constant speed. Light is very fast, but objects in the universe are so far apart that light still has a long time to reach us from distant stars and planets. When light arrives on Earth from the Sun, the light we see actually leaves the Sun 8 minutes 20 seconds in the past. 

   The closest galaxy to the Milky Way is the dwarf galaxy Canis Major, which is 25,000 light-years away. This means it took 25,000 years for light to get here! 

   When we look at this galaxy through a telescope, we are actually seeing what happened in the galaxy more than 25,000 years ago. So, even though we can't time travel alone, we can look up at the sky and see the past every night. 

Go to the Future 
  If going to the past is impossible, can we go to the future? Technically we have time travel to the future, because time is always passing. Every second we travel to the future. But everyone goes through this, so it's not time travel, right? 

   Believe it or not, two people can sense time at different rates. Time passes differently for someone who moves quickly, compared to someone who is staying calm. This is a very complicated concept called “time dilation”. 

   Someone flying from Sydney to Melbourne will feel time is running faster than someone waiting for them at the airport without moving, while the plane is in the air. So why don't we feel this difference? This is because we have to move a lot faster than an airplane before we start to feel time dilation. Even if we were to fly around the world, time would only feel like a millionth of a second faster than someone staying at home. The only way scientists know about time dilation is because they've measured it through incredibly accurate experiments. Unfortunately, this still doesn't help us with “time travel”.

   If you fly around the world for more than four million years, the people on the mainland will only experience one second slower than you! 

How Fast Can We Move? 
   So if everything only depends on speed, then the answer must be faster, right? If we could move fast enough for long enough, hundreds of human years could pass by on our way, which would mean we would feel like we were traveling into the future! Unfortunately, the speed required is close to the speed of light, which is the highest possible speed. 

   Light travels about a billion kilometers every hour - very, very fast. The fastest man-made object is NASA's Parker Solar Probe, a spacecraft that was sent to the Sun in August 2018. But the plane's speed is only 0.064% of the speed of light. So light is 1,000 times faster than the plane! All this means that if humans want to visit the future, we have a very long way to go.

  So, from the explanations above, we absolutely have known that we can't be a Time Traveler. Thanks for Reading. 


Do you want to know how the Feels like touching the clouds, read this article


Feels when Touching The Clouds 
   Let's get to know the clouds first before we discuss how it feels to touch the clouds. 

Definition of Cloud. 
   Clouds are one of the important elements of weather and climate on Earth. The definition of a cloud is a collection of water droplets or ice crystals in the atmosphere that occurs due to condensation or condensation of water vapor in the air. 

The process of cloud formation. 
   Clouds are formed from the evaporation of water on the earth's surface by sunlight. 

   The heating of the surface of water on earth - such as seas, lakes, rivers - by sunlight causes water to change from a liquid to a gas. This gas will evaporate and be lifted up into the atmosphere. 

   The process of lifting water vapor to the top is exactly the same as water vapor from the process of boiling water. When water is heated then the water will turn into water vapor, then the water vapor is lifted and 'disappears' upwards. When it reaches the higher layers of the atmosphere, water vapor begins to condense and returns to its original shape into very small water droplets. 

   The clouds seen in the sky are a collection of millions or even billions of water droplets particles. Millions of water particles spread sunlight evenly, so the clouds look white. Although they look like soft and comfortable cotton, clouds of course cannot support a body or any object that is dropped on it. 

Benefits of Clouds for Humans 
1. Clouds as Weather and Climate Indicators The existence of the first cloud is very important for humans because it is useful for measuring weather and climate conditions on earth. Without clouds, the Meteorology and Geophysics Agency (BMKG) will have difficulty mapping the weather, so there is no weather forecast. 

   In addition, it is useful for wind direction, because by looking at the movement of clouds, you can know for sure which direction the wind is moving and how fast it is. 

2. As a Weather Control The high water content in the clouds can also regulate temperature and weather through the rain process. 

3. Source of Water for Earth The presence of rain, then the water will soon be absorbed back into the earth and will be returned in the form of springs. 

4. Reflecting Sun Radiation Not all solar radiation can be reflected by the atmosphere, sometimes ultraviolet radiation enters the earth. 

   Well, in the presence of clouds, the radiation that had escaped was immediately reflected back into space. 

Feels like touching the clouds 
   Subconsciously, basically we may have felt the sensation of being in a cloud. If readers have ever been in a foggy environment, you are basically in a cloud. It's just that these clouds are near the ground, not in the sky. 

   Clouds and fog are both made of very small water particles which then form a white layer/lump. Fog and clouds are both made of tiny water droplets, as we can sometimes see or feel when using hot water in the shower. 

   Even though they look like lumps of cotton, we can't really touch and hold the clouds. If you try to touch the cloud, then your hand will immediately break through and pass through the cloud.