The Bermuda Triangle is an area in the western part of the North Atlantic Ocean. The shape of the area is defined as a triangle with the northern endpoints being Bermuda, Puerto Rico as the points in the south, and Miami as the points in the west. The Bermuda Triangle is an area where many planes and ships are believed to have disappeared. The location of the Bermuda Triangle is on the west side of the North Atlantic Ocean. 

   Here are five facts about the Bermuda Triangle that you must know. 5 facts about the Bermuda Triangle. 

1. History of the Bermuda Triangle. 
   The story of the "Bermuda Triangle" has existed since 56 years ago, in 1964 to be exact. The name was first used by American writer Vincent Gaddis in Argosy magazine to describe a triangular area in the Atlantic Ocean, off the coast of Florida. This area is also often referred to as the “Devil's Triangle” and has been discussed in thousands of films, books and documentaries over the decades. 

  Interest in the Bermuda Triangle stems from a series of unexplained disappearances of ships and planes. In 1945, as many as 5 United States Navy (US) aircraft and 14 people were reported missing in the area while conducting routine training. Since the incident until the 1980s, as many as 25 small planes disappeared while passing through the Bermuda Triangle. They were never seen again and no debris was ever found. 

2. The theory of the disappearance of ships and planes in the Bermuda Triangle. 
   The Bermuda Triangle seems to be one of those places on earth where compasses have trouble pointing. Places such as the Gobi Desert and the Bermuda Triangle are known to cause the compass to malfunction. Many people have reported strange occurrences with their compass in the Triangle over the years. While not always the case, it can throw pilots and sailors off course.

 Waterspouts, which are basically tornadoes in the ocean, have been spotted in the Bermuda Triangle. During this weather phenomenon, water from the ocean is sucked hundreds or thousands of feet into the air. In addition to tornadoes, some of the Gulf Stream moves along the edge of the Bermuda Triangle, which can cause high waves that can easily overturn a boat. These waves hit without warning and can reach hundreds of feet high. Such high waves can even paralyze planes flying closer to the water. 

   When you take into account hurricanes and giant waves that are rapidly forming, and when you consider the possibility of hurricanes as well, you see that there are many weather scenarios that could be catastrophic for pilots and sailors.

3. Can't the Bermuda Triangle be crossed by ships and planes? 
   Of course you can, who says you can't? The Bermuda Triangle is an area between San Juan, Miami and the island of Bermuda where this area is considered to have magical powers that can "suck" ships and planes with embellished stories of UFOs, the Kingdom of Atlantis and many other conspiracy theories. But in fact the 
   Bermuda Triangle is one of the busy flight paths. From the screenshots of the flightradar24 site a while ago, it can be seen that more than 10 planes from various airlines are crossing the path above the Bermuda Triangle. reasonable.

4. Why the Bermuda Triangle is dangerous. 
   According to the research of several scientists and experts, the ship and plane actually disappeared far beyond the Bermuda Triangle region. So, what causes people to be afraid of this area is the assumptions or assumptions of most people who are not sure the truth. 

   The most rational conclusion is that planes or ships pass through the area at night and the weather is bad. Facts about the Bermuda Triangle Some people don't really think that the Bermuda Triangle is in the ocean. The reason is because no one has really researched what happened behind the disappearance of planes and ships in the area. Indeed, in the region there were several lost ships and boats. 

   However, the fact is that in that region there is also a Gulf Stream. The Gulf Stream is a strong ocean current and carries warm water from the Gulf of Mexico to the Atlantic Ocean. 

5. Indonesia's Bermuda Triangle. 
   For a long time, the Bermuda Triangle ocean area in the United States has a dark history. Located between Bermuda, Puerto Rico, and the tip of Florida, this area is the center of a strange mystical story of the disappearance of ships and planes that pass through it. 

   Apparently, Indonesia also has such an area. It is the Masalembo Triangle located around Masalembo Island in the eastern Java Sea. These waters are said to have claimed many lives. A number of accidents have occurred there, from planes to ships. 

  Well, until here first our discussion of the Bermuda triangle, thank you for reading, hopefully it will be useful to increase the knowledge of all of you.


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