Can humans travel through time?


   Nothing is the most fascinating of the mysteries of science except the time traveler. Is it true that humans can pass through time? In fact, the concept of time travel is still one of the greatest unsolved mysteries of science to this day. 

  The concept of walking forward or backward to different points in time is scientifically agreed upon as motion similar to how we move in space. The reality is that humans walk in time with a line system, from the present time to the future per unit time to the end, or often called death. 

Looking Back to the Past 
   We can't travel through time, but we can look back in time, every night. 

   Light has a constant speed. Light is very fast, but objects in the universe are so far apart that light still has a long time to reach us from distant stars and planets. When light arrives on Earth from the Sun, the light we see actually leaves the Sun 8 minutes 20 seconds in the past. 

   The closest galaxy to the Milky Way is the dwarf galaxy Canis Major, which is 25,000 light-years away. This means it took 25,000 years for light to get here! 

   When we look at this galaxy through a telescope, we are actually seeing what happened in the galaxy more than 25,000 years ago. So, even though we can't time travel alone, we can look up at the sky and see the past every night. 

Go to the Future 
  If going to the past is impossible, can we go to the future? Technically we have time travel to the future, because time is always passing. Every second we travel to the future. But everyone goes through this, so it's not time travel, right? 

   Believe it or not, two people can sense time at different rates. Time passes differently for someone who moves quickly, compared to someone who is staying calm. This is a very complicated concept called “time dilation”. 

   Someone flying from Sydney to Melbourne will feel time is running faster than someone waiting for them at the airport without moving, while the plane is in the air. So why don't we feel this difference? This is because we have to move a lot faster than an airplane before we start to feel time dilation. Even if we were to fly around the world, time would only feel like a millionth of a second faster than someone staying at home. The only way scientists know about time dilation is because they've measured it through incredibly accurate experiments. Unfortunately, this still doesn't help us with “time travel”.

   If you fly around the world for more than four million years, the people on the mainland will only experience one second slower than you! 

How Fast Can We Move? 
   So if everything only depends on speed, then the answer must be faster, right? If we could move fast enough for long enough, hundreds of human years could pass by on our way, which would mean we would feel like we were traveling into the future! Unfortunately, the speed required is close to the speed of light, which is the highest possible speed. 

   Light travels about a billion kilometers every hour - very, very fast. The fastest man-made object is NASA's Parker Solar Probe, a spacecraft that was sent to the Sun in August 2018. But the plane's speed is only 0.064% of the speed of light. So light is 1,000 times faster than the plane! All this means that if humans want to visit the future, we have a very long way to go.

  So, from the explanations above, we absolutely have known that we can't be a Time Traveler. Thanks for Reading. 


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