Why we always close our eyes when we sneeze


This is the scientific reasons, the reasons why our eyes close automatically when we sneeze. what is the first thing we do unconsciously? Yes, close your eyes and nose. 

   Sneezing is a condition when the body responds to a foreign object entering through the nose. This is thanks to the help of the nerves in the nose. 

   When a foreign object enters, our nose will feel itchy, and a moment later there will be sneezing. This is the role of the sensory nerves in the nose, which signal the cilia to push the object out. 

Cilia are fine hairs in the nasal cavity that function to filter air. So, why do we close our eyes when we sneeze? 

Body Reflexes 

 Reflexes are automatic movements and cannot be designed, to external stimuli given by an organ of the body. There is a small hole called the nasolacrimal duct that connects the eye to the nose. 

   When a foreign body enters the nose, there is a contraction along the end of the nasolacrimal duct. The result of these contractions causes our eyes to close. 

   When we sneeze, there is a strong enough pressure on our eyes, so we close our eyes unconsciously. 

   If you don't close your eyes when you sneeze, it can make your eyes uncomfortable. 

Dangers of Holding a Sneeze

   From the process of sneezing, we know that the nose is connected to other organs, such as the eyes, mouth, and ears. 

   Some people are uncomfortable with the condition of our body when we sneeze, so it will hold it back. 

   However, holding back a sneeze will cause injury to several parts of the body. When a sneeze is deliberately restrained, the air pressure in the facial cavity will increase. 

   The increased air pressure risks causing the small blood vessels in the nose, eyes, and eardrums to burst. If a blood vessel bursts, it will bleed in the form of red spots on the eyes, nosebleeds, and bloody ears. 

   While in the diaphragm muscle, holding back a sneeze will cause a dangerous injury. 

   As you know, the diaphragm muscle plays a role in the respiratory system, especially in the respiration process. This muscle also plays a role in the process of coughing, vomiting, and sneezing. 

   Therefore, if the sneeze is held, it will also be bad for the diaphragm muscle. Well, that's the reason and explanation of sneezing and its relation to closed eyes.


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