Entering the rainy season, although some people may find it difficult, there are many people who will really like it, because the smell of rain has its own impression that can make yourself calm. 

   When it rains, there is a distinctive smell of rain or the smell of earth that wafts out so that the air feels fresher. 

   But do you know why the smell of rain is so good to breathe? It turns out that this is inseparable from the role of bacteria in the soil. 

   In a research article published in the journal Nature by researchers Isabel Joy Bear and Richard G. Thomas in 1964, it was stated that this smell comes from the oils released by certain plants during dry periods. During rain, oil is absorbed by soil and rocks, then released into the air along with other compounds when it rains and special bacteria called Actinomycetes. 

   The Smell of Rain Gives a Relaxing Effect, Actinomycetes bacteria grow in soil that has moist and warm conditions. When the soil dries, these bacteria will produce soil spores. When it rains, the spores get wet and spread into the air. 

   Well, it is these spores that cause the refreshing smell of rain. Even the smell of rain has its own term, namely Petrichor, which is the smell of the earth produced when it rains on dry land. 

   But how can it makes you calm down? This aroma gives the impression of a natural earthy smell and the brain responds to this fresh aroma as relaxation so that it is able to release serotonin, a hormone that also acts as a natural antidepressant in the brain. 

   Research conducted at Sage Colleges even shows that the brain will be calmer, respond faster and more competently after inhaling this earthy scent. 

    So, if you want to release stress naturally, take in the refreshing scent of rain more often.

10 Bedrooms design ideas


   Beautiful and aesthetic home designs are everyone's dream. No need to be confused looking for aesthetic bedroom design ideas, you can find them here. 

   We will present 10 bedroom designs that might inspire you all. Here are 10 designs that we will show you, check it out guys. 

1. Refreshing bedroom design when you wake up in the morning, when you open the window curtains, refreshing sunlight enters your bedroom. 

2. classic bedroom feel, dominated by brown color and a touch of green on ornamental plants in the corner of the room. This is really recommended for chocolate lovers. 

3. When winter comes, the design of the bedroom warmth will make you comfortable and warm. a touch of green ornamental plants refreshes the eye. 

4. Natural bedroom shades, green views around the room and outdoors, white and green colors are so soothing to the eyes. recommended for nature lovers. 

5. Elegant design with a touch of nature is perfect for relaxing from the daily grind. 

6. Simple design with pastel color combination. 

7. White is always an elegant color, always gives a clean and tidy impression in the room, you can try this design for white lovers. 

8. Looks aesthetic, yes, the combination of white and cream is very suitable for this design. 

9. This aesthetic design is the dream of Aesthetica lovers. 

10. Looks spacious and simple, the green view from outside the window spoils the eyes when you wake up in the morning with a touch of sunlight that illuminates the morning.

  Thank you for reading, may it inspires You guys. 

Nutritional Content in Eggs

Nutritional Content in Eggs 
  Eggs are one of the most common foodstuffs found in the market. So easy to find.

   There are so many kinds of processed eggs. Not only the types of processed very much, eggs are also often used as a mixture of various types of other dishes. 

    How to cook eggs is very simple. Starting from boiling, frying, baking, or even scrambled. Various processed eggs make this food being favourite for us. Not only because they are easy to prepare, but they are nutrient-dense. 

   Eggs contain high amounts of vitamins and minerals. Eggs are also a good source of protein and choline for the body. 

   More fully, this is the nutritional content in one grain or about 50 grams of boiled chicken eggs. 


   One hard-boiled egg contains 6.29 grams of protein, so it can meet 11% of men's daily protein needs and 14% of women's daily protein needs. 

Vitamins & Minerals 

   Eggs contain almost all the vitamins needed for humans, except vitamin C. One egg can contain as much as 12% of vitamin A and more than 6% of vitamin D and iron content is good for the body. 


   Fat is the main component of egg yolks, which is about 60% of all egg yolks. 


   Launching from Healthline, eggs are a fairly low-calorie food. One hard-boiled egg provides 77 calories and few carbohydrates. Quoted from Verywell Fit, carbohydrates in one egg are even less than 1 gram. These foodstuffs do have little sugar and no fiber.


   The night is the right time for the body to rest by sleeping. But for some people, they can be more productive at night than in the morning or during the day. Some people also believe that studying or working at night is more effective than doing it in the morning. 

   Here are some reasons people are more productive at night. 

1. The Night Atmosphere Is Much Quieter and Peaceful 

   Explained by Ikhsan Bella Persada, M.Psi, Psychologist, some people can feel the atmosphere at night is much more peaceful and calmer than during the day. 

   This calmness also helps him concentrate more, so he will be more productive. “The reason why people can be more productive at night is because at night, we experience minimal distraction. So, we can focus more on doing our tasks and be productive,” said Ikhsan. 

   Some people may also experience high sensory sensitivity, making it difficult to concentrate during the day. For example, the smell of food and drink, bright light, and the chatter of office friends. 

   So once night falls, that's when they can finally concentrate more on getting the job done better. 

2. Have a Habit of Waking Up at Night 

   Some people have peak energy at night or also known as night owls. People who experience night owls are used to having poor sleep patterns. 

   However, if used properly, this can be a profitable thing for him. Several studies have shown that night owls can also be more productive during the day. People who stay awake longer at night have better concentration after waking up when compared to people who go to bed earlier. 

   A study published by the California Journal of Science Education also shows that people who experience night owls are known to have higher concentration and intelligence levels. 

3. Have a Flexible Sleep Pattern 

   Some people have an innate ability to sleep when they want to. These people can take advantage of the peace of the night to get their work done instead of doing it during the day. 

4. Want to Have More Free Day 

   Time Some people choose to be more productive at night so they can relax during the day. Or, they prefer to do their work first so that they are not chased by deadlines. 

   Therefore, they are used to doing work at night in order to have more free time during the day. It could also be that they want to do other activities during the day.

5. Decreased Cortisol Hormone 

   Another reason a person is more active at night is a decrease in the hormone cortisol. Some people will feel much more relaxed at night. This is related to a decrease in the stress hormone (cortisol) as your body prepares for sleep. 

   A decrease in the hormone cortisol can make you more relaxed to do work at night. Once you're more relaxed, you'll be able to focus more and be more prepared to get to work. 

6. Due to REM Sleep Phase 

   REM (Rapid Eye Movement) sleep occurs in the second half of the night when you are asleep or while you are fast asleep. 

   Some people with high levels of genius say that they often get ideas when they wake up from REM sleep. 

   So, if you sleep at irregular hours and wake up during REM sleep, your productivity may be related to this. 

   Those were some of the reasons why someone can have a productive time at night. Even though it's good to be productive at night, make sure you still get enough sleep.


   These are the Fun Facts of Apples! Floating apples, Who likes apples? Apples are one of the fruits that are easily found in markets and supermarkets. 

   Before eating, don't forget to wash the apples first. Do you know interesting facts about apples that don't sink in water? Come on, find out exciting facts about apples! 

   Apple Seeds Contain Toxins There are compounds that can be toxic in apple seeds We are recommended to eat apples with the skin, because the apple skin contains good nutrition for the body. 

   But, don't eat apple seeds, because there are compounds that can be toxic in apple seeds.
    Apple seeds contain amygdalin compounds. If apple seeds are chewed or digested, the amygdalin in apple seeds can turn into hydrogen cyanide. This substance can be harmful to the body if consumed in large quantities. 

   The Secret of Apples Not Drowning in Water Floating apples If you put an apple in a container of water, the apple won't sink. Unlike a pear that will sink, an apple will stay afloat on the surface of the water. 

    Apparently, the secret is the content of apples, here. Fresh apples contain 25 percent air in them. The air content is what makes apples float on water. 

     If you want to try experimenting, make sure to use whole, uncut apples! The Apple Plant is the Rose Family Do you know? The apple tree turns out to be a family of roses. Both belong to the Rosaceae family. 

     Besides apples, other plants that belong to this rose family are cherry, pear, and apricot plants. Those are some interesting facts about apples. 

Leeches have 10 stomachs, 32 brains and hundreds of teeth to suck blood

   In this world we often find unique things and animals that live around us, although they are very rarely known. 

   In fact, without realizing the uniqueness of these animals is sometimes dangerous for ourselves, such as this unique type of animal. 

   This animal has about ten stomachs, with 32 brains and hundreds of teeth that are ready to tear your skin and blood circulation to be sucked. This unique animal usually lives in rice fields and swamps, with a long slippery texture. 

   This animal is indeed quite unique and unexpected if there are 32 segments in the body of a leech and this is really complex. Of the 32 segments in the body of the leech, four of which are anterior to the first as the head, which includes the anterior brain and suckers. Then, 21 midbody segments that include 21 neuronal ganglia, with two reproductive organs, and nine pairs of testes. Meanwhile, the other seven segments are combined to form the tail sucker of the animal, as well as its posterior brain. 

   Some researchers also state, if the leech has 32 brains, although it is still not known in detail the function of each part of the brain. 

   However, in Indonesia some alternative medicine uses leeches as a medium to treat a number of diseases. 

   Because, leeches are believed to be able to suck dirty blood that causes disease in the body.

10 Smartest Countries in the World Based on IQ Scores in 2022

   To find out human intelligence can use various ways, one of which is by measuring IQ (Intellectual Quotient) or intellectual intelligence. 

   Measurement of IQ intelligence is commonly used because it covers a number of human abilities, ranging from reasoning, planning, problem solving, thinking, speaking, conveying ideas, understanding things, to learning abilities. 

   The following are the results of the ranking of the average IQ measurements from countries as reported by the World Population Review. Let us see! 

Countries with the Highest IQ Intelligence Level 2022 The following are the countries with the highest intelligence levels in the world in 2022, namely: 

1. Japan: 106.48 

2. Taiwan: 106.47 

3. Singapore: 105.89 

4. Hong Kong: 105.37 

5. China: 104.1 

6. South Korea: 102.35 

7. Belarus: 101.6 

8. Finland: 101.2 

9. Liechtenstein: 101.07 

10. Germany: 100.74 

  Meanwhile, according to the study, Indonesia ranks 130th with an IQ score of 78.49. Countries with Intelligence Levels Based on Mathematics, Science, and Reading Ability However, IQ is not an absolute way to determine a person's intelligence. We can add another factor why the population of a country is intelligent based on the average IQ score that has been refined. 

   Usually, it will be added from the national math, reading, and science assessment level. The following is the highest IQ intelligence level based on math, science, and reading ability, namely: 

1. China: 555, 591, 590 

2. Singapore: 549, 569, 551 

3. Macau: 525, 558, 544 

4. Hong Kong: 524, 551, 517 

5. Estonia: 523, 523, 530 

6. Canada: 520, 512, 518 

7. Finland: 520, 507, 522 

8. Ireland: 518, 500, 496 

9. South Korea: 514, 526, 519 

10. Poland: 512, 516, 511. 

   Based on the Benefit of Knowledge The ability of human knowledge that will be used to develop science and technology. However, not all countries that have a high IQ on average can take advantage of it. 

   So, depending on whether a country can use the IQ score to advance the country or not. Smart citizens can certainly help a country to improve science, technology, and profitable economic innovation. 

   The following are the countries that have the highest knowledge usefulness rating, namely: 

1. United States: 74.88 (A+) 

2. United Kingdom: 64.19 (A) 

3. Germany: 64.18 (A) 

4. Australia: 63.96(A) 

5. Singapore: 63.60 (A) 

6. Sweden: 61.58 (A) 

7. Switzerland: 61.57 (A) 

8. Canada: 61.15(A) 

9. Finland: 60.45 (A) 

10. Denmark: 60.25 (A) 

   Well, that's the ranking of the countries with the highest intelligence levels in the world.