Did You Know, There are Some of the Most Loyal Animals in this World?


Did You Know, There are Some of the Most Loyal Animals in this World?

Not many know, there are some of the most loyal animals in this world, you know. Even though they don't have the same sense as humans, these animals naturally stay with only one partner for the rest of their lives. Are you curious, right? check below.

1. Crocodile 
It turns out that 70% of crocodiles will choose the same mate when the breeding season arrives, although crocodiles may find new partners. Even the animal will mate once as a form 

A symbol of affection and loyalty is also attached to the dove. This one animal only looks for a life partner once in a lifetime. They will also be loyal to their partner until one of them dies. 

3. Goose 
The swan is often used as a symbol of love and fidelity. This one bird is known to be loyal and includes monogamous animals. However, geese can "divorce" with their partners, if their partners fail to nest, die, or are eaten by predators. 

4. Wolf 
In fairy tales, wolves are often depicted as cunning and evil animals. In fact, wolves are among the most loyal of animals. 

5. Seahorse 
This animal is known for its loyal nature to its partner. Seahorses live in pairs for the rest of their lives. When pairs of seahorses travel, they will go together holding each other by the tail. 

6. Emperor Penguin 
Emperor penguins are said to be the most loyal birds to their partners. However, actually a penguin will only last with his partner for one year. In the next year's breeding season, the penguin will look for another mate. Uniquely, a researcher says, there are penguins who have been paired with the same penguin for 16 years. 

7. Butterfly 
Besides being beautiful, butterflies are also very loyal, you know. These animals will mate and lay eggs once in their lifetime. One of the reasons is the very short lifespan of butterflies. The most loyal of the butterfly pairs is the female. 

8. Termites 
In a termite colony, the queen will only mate once with a male termite. It stores gametes for life as a queen, while male termites die soon and never mate again. 

9. Beaver 
This cute looking animal is very loyal to its partner. Beavers are monogamous and remain faithful to their mates. Even though they are monogamous, beavers will look for a new mate if the first mate dies. Meanwhile, adult otters will continue to look after and care for their young until they are about two years old. 

10. Owl 
Owls are loyal animals with their partners. They can stay a lifetime to breed, find nests, and food. These birds can produce children and often mate with the same partner. 

11. Parakeet 
Parakeets are social animals that can feel sad and lonely when they don't have friends. That's why parakeets are one of the most loyal animals to their partners. They need a partner in their cage to be happy. In fact, after getting acquainted, they would not leave each other. 

12. Black vulture 
Black Vulture Handsome and beautiful is not a prerequisite for a loyal relationship. The black vulture community ensures that. The black vulture community is known to attack other vultures caught cheating. 

13. Bald Eagle 
Male American bald eagles are very loyal to their partners. Not only that, this type of eagle also takes care of their young. They take care of their young by incubating the eggs to keep them warm and feeding them after they hatch. 

14. Sea Eagle 
Sea eagles love to explore the sea and make short trips. Even so, these birds will always return to the same place and show that they are loyal animals. During the breeding season, albatrosses will return to their gathering place to mate and this continues until the end of their lives. 

15. French Angel Fish 
France Angelfish You won't find this french angelfish alone. This fish is active, hunting, migrating, always with a partner. They form a monogamous bond for life or until one dies. The pair work as a team, and defend their territory from other couples. 

So, those are some animals that are loyal to their partners.


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