Some Habits That Can Increase Our Brain Intelligent, Read It. .


Some Habits That Can Increase Our Brain Intelligent, Read It.

Having a low IQ is not the end of everything, because IQ is not the only factor that determines a person's success. However, if you want to have a higher IQ, there are several ways to increase your IQ that you can.

There are various ways you can do to increase your IQ as well as prepare yourself if one day you have to take an IQ test.

Brushing teeth with different hands

If you usually brush your teeth with your right hand, try using your left this time. Research shows that your non-dominant hand can train the other side of your brain. And the results could add to an important expansion of the cortical regions of your brain involved in processing things and controlling things.

Shower with your eyes closed

If you only close your eyes while you're washing your face, try closing your eyes while you shower. Make your hands as "eyes" to do activities while bathing. The brain will send signals to the hands to carry out activities in the bathroom such as taking shampoo, soap, scrubbing the body and wiping the face.

But be careful when doing this one activity. Make sure you don't put shampoo or soap far from you, so you don't have to go any further to pick it up. Also make sure that the floor is not slippery when you do this one activity.

Open the car window

The hippocampus in the brain is an area that processes a number of things, especially those involving smell, sound, sight, to mental formation.

Practice identifying new smells and new sounds on new routes to your office. Opening a car window can provide newer or more raw material for your brain to study. Or if you walk or ride a motorbike, look for new routes for new sights and new experiences.

Changing habits in the morning

Studies of brain imaging show that new activities in the morning can exercise large areas of the cortex, showing increased levels of brain activity in several different areas. This brain activity will decrease when the activities carried out do not change and that's all.

If you usually wake up after you make coffee, read the newspaper, then go take a shower. Try changing it to going to the bathroom first, making breakfast, reading the newspaper and going to work.

More social interaction

Scientific research has repeatedly proven that a lack of social interaction has a severe negative effect on overall cognitive abilities. Humans are social creatures and need to socialize with other humans. Socializing is not only good for establishing good relationships, but also for stimulating the brain through various forms of stimulation.

Trying new food

Your olfactory system can distinguish millions of odors by activating a unique combination of receptors in your nose. There will be an immediate emotional connection centered directly on your brain, so a new scent can evoke unexpected feelings and associations.

Here are some ways you can do to increase brain intelligence. The brain does need to be trained and forced to work effectively so that if you get used to it, you will see an improvement. Hopefully by doing these things the brain can work faster and smarter so that it can solve various jobs and problems without complicated obstacles.


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